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The Lost Book of Remedies Review

The product at a glance




Easy To Use







  • The methods in this program are well tested to solve the problems.
  • Detoxify and fill your body with great nutrients!
  • Everything is natural.
  • 60 days money back guarantee.


  • Extra equipment needed.
  • You need to follow the steps provided very well.

The Lost Book of RemediesMillions of people around the world who suffer from insomnia or sleep issues, drink a cup of chamomile tea about 30 minutes or an hour before bed. They know that the tea is calming and helps to induce sleep.

This is a perfect example of a herbal remedy.

Most of us don’t even give these natural remedies much thought. We’ve become a society of pill poppers and there’s a pill for just about any and every malady you could think of. It’s no wonder opioid addiction is at an all-time high.

The Greek physician, Hippocrates, once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.” He most probably meant eating healthy herbs and foods to boost one’s immunity and health.

No one ever ate a double cheeseburger to cure an upset stomach. However, a cup of ginger tea will probably alleviate the problem in no time. That’s the power of a natural remedy.

Unfortunately, most people are unaware of these natural remedies and looking for them can be a hassle. Over the past year or so, one book has become a bestseller online and it’s ALL about natural remedies.

It calls itself ‘The Lost Book of Remedies’ and thousands of copies have been sold. Let’s see what this ‘lost book’ is all about…

What is The Lost Book of Remedies?

Just like every house should have smoke detectors and locks on the exterior doors to ensure their safety, every house should have The Lost Book of Remedies.

This online book is like finding the most effective natural remedies for absolutely everything you can think of – from diseases to indigestion; from mental health concerns to cancers; from the common cold and flu to snake bites; you name it and you will likely find a natural solution or it in this guide.

The Lost Book of Remedies is the ultimate book of all the natural ingredients you can use from the earth to treat a vast array of illnesses, diseases, bumps, bruises and health concerns.

It takes you on a blast to the past to the natural remedies humans used for thousands of years before modern day medicine took over. And because they’re natural, they don’t have potentially dangerous side effects like many of the medicines used today do.

All of the ingredients can easily be found across the globe, even in your own backyard, and you learn how to identify each ingredient, how to harvest, grow and use. So, if you’re always searching online for natural remedies, The Lost Book of Remedies gives all of them to you, and much more.

The Lost Book of Remedies lists such a wide variety of ingredients you can get from the earth. To make it easy to find the ones you’re looking for, the author of the program has separated the different plants, herbs, weeds and other elements of the earth into categories specific to where you can find them.

For example, the natural remedies that you learn how to use can be found in the following areas:

  • Backyard Weeds
  • Forests and Woodlands
  • Wild Plants in Great Plains
  • Trees and Shrubs
  • Coastal Tropical, and Water Loving Plants
  • Nationwide Plants
  • Household Remedies

Main Features:

▶ The biggest selling point of this book is that it’s huge. At around 300 pages, the compilation is so massive that you can find just about any remedy you want for the most common ailments. This is the only book of natural remedies you’ll ever need.

▶ The authors, Claude Davis and Dr. Nicole Apelian are experts in their own right and know what they’re talking about. In fact, the official website has a video of Dr. Nicole speaking and she comes across as a very credible authority.

▶ The instructions in the book are detailed and you’re shown how to prepare the recipes step-by-step. Most of the plants/herbs required for the recipes can be easily obtained. So, no worries here.

▶ The remedies in this guide can be used to treat indigestion, inflammation, hypertension, the common cold and much more. You’re spoiled for choice.

This is a good thing because holistic remedies may not work on everyone. While ginger tea may work wonders for one person, it may have no effect on another. That’s just how it is.

So, having a variety of recipes gives you more options to treat the condition and see which one works for you.

The product is backed by a 60-day money back guarantee. There’s zero risk here for you. You can always get a refund if you’re not satisfied with the product.

The product is a digital download. You can access it immediately upon payment. No waiting. You could be brewing a natural remedy within 20 minutes of purchase. That’s fantastic.

The product has 2 bonuses – The 72 Square Feet Garden of Medicine & The Disaster Medicine booklet. Both are highly useful and since Claude Davis is an expert survivalist, you can trust the information in these books.

Overall, the product is definitely value for money. It teaches you self-sufficiency, nutrition, how to prepare remedies and the information is tried and tested. You couldn’t ask for more.

Should You Get It?

Yes! There’s no other book quite like it. This is a very comprehensive resource that can almost be considered the benchmark for the topic on herbal remedies.

The author, Claude Davis is a very experienced survivalist who truly knows his stuff.

His co-author, Dr. Nicole Apelian is a qualified biologist who has been featured on the History channel. They’re NOT a bunch of unqualified hippies nibbling on weeds and roots.

Their information is on point and very useful. With current farming practices, our foods are usually cultivated on nutrient-deficient soil. As a result, foods today lack the nutrients and benefits that our ancestors used to enjoy.

With poorer nutrition, health issues are on the rise.

Herbal remedies will help boost your immune system and pick up the slack. You’ll not need to spend a bomb on supplements at your local GNC.

These herbal remedies are so good that you’ll see and feel the difference once you make them a part of your life.


  • Everything works, so there’s no guessing: The methods that you get from this program are well tested and clinically proven to solve the problems from its root cause.
  • Detoxify and fill your body with great nutrients: The guide will help you to do away with the toxins from your body with any side effects.
  • Invest your money in what really matters: The Lost Book of Remedies is relatively cheap and affordable. There are zero risks by the use of the listed herbs and ingredients.
  • Everything is natural: The main purpose of this book is to help you balance your health by the use of natural herbs and ingredients for having a better result.
  • The author is an expert and he delivered a complete system: The owner of this program is a well-experienced person who knows every bit of how the guide will help you solve your problems right from the word go.
  • It’s risk-free: Once you buy the guide you are guaranteed to a 60-day money-back guarantee. Whereby you can request back your money in case you are not satisfied.


  • Extra equipment needed: It is a digital program, so you’ll need a digital device to read it.
  • Be cautious: You need to follow the steps provided well and keenly for you to achieve the best results.


People are spending their hard-earned money on medication; it’s time to stop! That’s the biggest benefit for me; the reason why I wrote this Lost Book of Remedies review.

Big Pharma addresses one symptom but worsens others. You know this, they want you to depend forever on their meds. However, you can start saving money and getting healthier NOW!

I honestly advise you to try out this guide. First of all, it’s based on natural remedies. So, side effects and complications are either reduced or removed. Also, the ingredients are accessible and easy to process. So, you save time, money, and get better.


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